The Benefits of Thick-It
For those with dysphagia, thickeners are a crucial component of their daily lives. Dysphagia is when individuals have difficulty swallowing because of various possible conditions. These conditions can include those that affect the nervous system, such as after a stroke, dementia or a head injury, specific types of cancer, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Thickeners decrease the flow rate of liquids, allowing for more control and prevention of liquids entering the airways, causing coughing, or choking. Thick-it has been a leading brand in the healthcare food-thickening product industry since 1987 and has many for those with dysphagia:
Diverse Range of FlavoursThick-It offers a range of ready-to-serve, pre-thickened drinks and these include familiar flavours such as water, and a variety of juice flavours including apple, orange and cranberry. Thick-It also offers non-traditional flavours that may appeal to those with dysphagia, such as coffee!
Dietary FriendlyThick-it is also diet friendly as it contains no added sugars and no high-fructose corn syrup. Additionally, it is also kosher and gluten free.
Flavourless and ConvenientThick-It is available in powder form, allowing for easy mixing with a range of drinks or food of choice and is completely flavourless. The powder also comes in convenient, pre-measured sachets, making measuring unnecessary.
IDDSI Compliant ConsistenciesThe International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) framework provides a common terminology for describing food texture and drink thickness for those who have swallowing difficulties.
Thick-It products come in a variety of IDDSI compliant consistencies such as Mildly Thick (Nectar) and Moderately Thick (Honey). This allows for those with dysphagia to shop for their own personal needs conveniently.
Shopping for Thick-It products?
Browse our collection of Thick-It products here.